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| Omegawave | 來自日本,非侵入式組織寫流血氧測定的專家:Omegawave 2D Laser Blood Flowmeter 流量影像分析儀立即反應血流分布狀態, Laser Tissue Blood Flowmeter, Laser Tissue Blood Oxygenation Monitor 讓您在不侵入組織的狀況下即可獲知血流血氧狀態,讓您輕鬆獲得血流血氧數據。 |
| | Radiometer | 1954, Radiometer introduced the world to blood gas testing. In every aspect, a significant breakthrough that changed and improved patient care. World leader in transcutaneous monitoring with 85% market share Head Quarter located in Copenhagen, Denmark . 經皮式血液氣體監視器。 |
| | Transonic | 利用超音波,和自行研發的"Transit Time"技術,將血管所流過的血液流量數字量化,可以做為手術或醫療品質的一個參考指標。更有許多實驗研究,動物用,或是血液離析用途的流量測試儀。讓您全面掌握血流量。 |
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