Home > Product > Cardiology and Neurosurgery
| Osypka | Founded 1977 by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Peter Osypka. Designs, develops and manufactures products with the focus on pacing, electrophysiology,
cardiac surgery and interventional adult and pediatric cardiology. |
| | PhysioFlow | Manatec生物現在是ISO9001和ISO13485認證。 姊妹公司PhysioFlow®公司成立於美國,2006年,現在是整個業務的全球總部。該集團為了在北美市場的技術輸入帶有Vasocom公司(現Neumedx Inc.)的戰略合作夥伴關係。對於PhysioFlow®PF05由於Lab1™2008年4月,新的便攜式設備PhysioFlow®PF07耐力賽™是2010年12月推出的海外獲得美國FDA的批准。 |
| | Riverain | 肺癌篩檢AI輔助系統
Riverain Technologies is dedicated to providing software tools to aid the clinician in the efficient, effective early detection of lung disease. With Riverain’s ClearRead applications, clinicians are able to see more and detect more, faster and more effectively across the entire enterprise. |
| | | Transonic | 利用超音波,和自行研發的"Transit Time"技術,將血管所流過的血液流量數字量化,可以做為手術或醫療品質的一個參考指標。更有許多實驗研究,動物用,或是血液離析用途的流量測試儀。讓您全面掌握血流量。 |
| | VasSol | VasSol, Inc. is founded on 11 years of multidisciplinary research and clinical work conducted at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Bringing together experts in the fields of circulatory fluid dynamics and computer modeling, we have developed vascular analysis technology that helps answer the fundamental questions that clinicians confront when treating vascular disease: what is the severity, how is the condition best treated and what is the outcome? Our mission is to provide physicians with vital information on the functional consequences of reduced blood flow to guide clinical decision making and help ensure positive outcomes. |
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